Violence Restraining Orders or Misconduct Restraining Orders can be obtained in WA should you be fearful for your safety or defended. With legal advice from Perth Lawyers, Culshaw Miller Lawyers we can provide you with all the advice and representation you need. We can help you navigate the Perth Magistrate Court at a very difficult and fearful time.
Noeleen Robinson, one of our Perth Family Lawyers, sets out some questions she is asked frequently about Violence Restraining Orders in the Perth Court System and how we can help you.
What are the steps to take if you have been served with a Violence Restraining Order or “VRO”?
First of all you need to consider whether your want to accept or object to the VRO or MRO and if you need legal advice or representation to defend yourself in Court.
How do I obtain a Violence Restraining Order?
We can provide you with legal advice and assist you to present your full story including the background to recent events to assist you in obtaining your VRO.
How can I be safe at Court?
If you do have concerns about seeing the other party at the hearing, we will attend on your behalf to ensure your safety.
Do I need a VRO?
A Violence Restraining Order can be considered to protect you against threats, assaults, emotional abuse, stalking and threatening behaviour. They can be obtained if you are a domestic relationship or if the person is not related to you.
How do I comply with a Violence Restraining Order?
We strongly recommend that you seek legal advice in complying with your specific conditions and for finding out why you were served with it. For example, it may be that you are not to make any contact by any means unless there is a Family Court Order in place.
Can a Violence Restraining Order or a VRO affect my job?
Yes it can affect your employment prospects but it will not be placed on your criminal record.
I can’t see my children now or get back into my home because I have a VRO against me?
If your VRO has been taken against you it may prevent you from returning to your family home even if you are the owner of the property. You will need advice to obtain orders from the Family Court to put orders in place to see your children and to attend at the property to collect your belongings, you may also be required to attend with a police officer.
There are many situations in which people require to make a VRO application or defend one. It is recommended that you seek legal advice in either case.
Noeleen Robinson is a Family Lawyer for Culshaw Miller Lawyers in Perth dealingwith both Family Law matters and Violence Restraining Orders, should you require legal advice for your situation, please contact us to obtain an urgent appointment.
The information provided in this post is provided for information only and can not be taken as legal advice, each case is different and requires its own specific legal advice.
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