Estate planning is about more than a Will, it’s a comprehensive, customised process to protect your legacy.
We understand estate planning is about more than just writing a Will, it’s a comprehensive, customised process to protect your legacy.
Our estate planning process ensures that your assets are managed and distributed according to your wishes, both now and in the future.
Our Estate Planning Lawyers at Culshaw Miller address all aspects of estate planning, including the guardianship of children, property ownership, superannuation, tax, asset protection and Centrelink considerations.
With comprehensive expertise, we can prepare tailored estate planning documents such as Wills (including testamentary trusts), Enduring Powers of Attorney, Enduring Powers of Attorney and Advance Health Directives as well as superannuation death benefit nominations and trust deed variations or amendments.
Our team can tailor strategies and prepare a variety of trust related documents including how to deal with changes of trustee, succession of controlling positions, asset vesting. We also routinely advise trustees on their duties, and beneficiaries on their rights.
We also advise on strategies to minimise challenges to your Will and superannuation and potential claims against your estate and can advise on and prepare business succession plans.
With our empathetic and knowledgeable approach, we also specialise in advising on testamentary capacity and undue influence issues.
Contact Culshaw Miller Lawyers today for your estate planning needs. Fixed fee initial appointments available.