Our family lawyers help you negotiate and agree upon terms of a Consent Order, prepare relevant documentation, and file in the Family Court on your behalf.
Consent Orders are a legally binding agreement between parties, approved by the Family Court, to formalise arrangements relating to property settlement, parenting, child support, or other issues arising from the breakdown of a relationship.
The clear advantage of Consent Orders is in providing transparent rights and obligations, which are enforceable, to hopefully prevent future disputes.
This process starts with negotiations between the parties to reach an agreement, which is then filed with the Family Court.
This application is important, given any informal agreements entered into may not be enforceable in the event of a breach.
The team at Culshaw Miller Lawyers can help you negotiate and agree upon the terms of the arrangement, whether it is in relation to property settlement including maintenance, parenting matters and visitations, child support, or any other matters relevant to your circumstances.
We can prepare your documents outlining the terms of the agreement, and file it in the Family Court on your behalf.
Upon the Court’s review of the orders and satisfaction the terms of the agreement are fair, Consent Orders with the Court’s stamp will be issued, at which point the orders become legally binding.
If you have any questions about the process or would like assistance in the preparation of the documents, please contact our lawyers by calling us on 08 9488 1300 or by emailing us via info@culshawmiller.com.au.